Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 17 - Aldersgate UMC (Chesapeake)

Today we woke up each at different houses and gathered together at Trinity UMC where we put our bags back on the bus and got ready to go to another church. We had a morning devotion and then were on our way to one of our most anticipated moments of the tour... the viewing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Most of the youth designed their own T-shirts and assigned each other character names. Most of the group was pleased with the film and after it was all over, we all got back on the bus and headed to Aldersgate United Methodist Church.

Aldersgate, along with other churches in the area were having a youth week. Everyday they had over 100 youth at the church doing different activities and they ended their program by coming to our concert on Friday night. We were also very fortunate to have so many alumni come and sing along with us at our concert. Tomorrow we head toward the Eastern Shore where we will sing at St. Thomas UMC.

'Til Tomorrow,

- David and Jordan, Voices of Youth Blogmasters

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