This morning we had to arrive early to St. Thomas UMC because we have two concerts to do in one day. We left the Eastern Shore as early as possible and headed towards Courthouse Community UMC in Virginia Beach to have our first concert for their 11:15 am worship service.
We made it there on time and presented our concert as a worship service to a huge congregation that was filled with energy and were very excited for us to be there. We all felt glad to have moved the congregation and to also have alumni join us on stage as we sang our traditional songs.
Towards the end of the concert, one of the members in the congregation mentioned that his heart was hurting him. When the ambulance came we realized what a small world it is because one of the EMTs was someone that had worked with us at Camp Rainbow just a few days ago.
From time to time, the Voices camera has disappeared and come back with some pretty interesting photos on it. This is one example...
Those hand dryers were pretty strong!
Courthouse Community UMC provided us with some delicious sandwiches and ice cream before we departed for Dinwiddie, VA. We then traveled to Ocran UMC and were greeted warmly by Dalas and Laura Hancock.
After a terrific potluck, we had our evening devotion and concert. Then, we were paired up with our host families and headed our respective destinations.
Until tomorrow,
- David and Jordan, Voices of Youth Blogmasters
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