Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 20 - VBS, CCAP, and First UMC

Monday morning had us meeting back at Otterbein UMC around 8:30 a.m. We said goodbye to our host families, made sure the bus was all packed, said a prayer outside and then started toward Winchester for our next adventure. Rachel and Katie had a great surprise for us, Mr. J's bagels! They were amazing and gave us an extra boost.

After a short trip, we arrived at Round Hill UMC to help prepare for their vacation bible school. The Youth Director, Jed Markwood, welcomed us and told us about another mission opportunity at CCAP (Congregational Community Action Project).

We divided the group in half and some went to work at the food pantry and clothes closet at CCAP while the rest stayed to work on the VBS preparations at Round Hill.

While some of the youth were working on all the snacks and artwork for VBS, others were making lunch for the group.

After the meal had been prepared, some of the youth packed lunches to be delivered to our group at CCAP. They were happy to receive them. Lunch gave them some more energy to finish their work and once they were done, those working in the clothes closet had a kind of fashion show...

We all gathered back at Round Hill UMC and once we received a big "Thank You" from those in charge of VBS, we got on the bus and took a short trip to Sonic for some snacks. Then we all returned to the bus and left for First UMC.

We arrived at the church and started our normal routine. Everyone got unloaded and took their belongings and all the concert supplies to the appropriate locations. We met in the Sanctuary for a rehearsal, assigned all the readings, solos and testimonies and then went downstairs for dinner. We had a great time of eating and fellowship with some of the members of First UMC and then it was time to get changed and have devotions.

We reflected on scripture, sang a couple songs and then headed upstairs to another great audience.

We mingled with the crowd and then began the service. We were blessed by a couple great testimonies by Rachel and Stephen and also had lots of alumni join us for "In Remembrance" and "The Lord Bless You and Keep You". The team leader and director for next year's tour, Chad Herbek and Drew Colby, were both there as well and were introduced to the group.

We finished the service and then it was time to be matched up with our host families and head home for the evening!

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